USA Travel Show in Copenhagen was attended by 65 exhibitors and 250 travel agencies from Denmark and southern Sweden. The US Ambassador Rufus Gifford opened the show.
With many more direct routes from Scandinavia to the United States, the goal is now 2 million. visitors to the United States in 2020.
In 2015, the figure was 1.5 million. visitor.
Henrik Bergqvist, Senior Key Account Manager RCL Cruises, could tell Pia Marfelt, Cruise Sales Manager, and Henrik Jacobsen, owner/director, Jacobsen Cruise & Travel, that both of them along with 100 others from the travel industry will be invited to sail a few days from Barcelona with the world’s largest cruise ship Royal Caribbeans new “Harmony of the Seas,” with 6,300 passengers.“Employees of the travel industry from all over Scandinavia have the option of 15-30 percent discount depending of the days until April 30 at the Hotel Beacon in New York.” It was told by Alexandra Rodriguez, Executive Assistant, Hotel Beacon to Michael Jensen, General Product Manager, Risskov Travel Partner.”We hope also to get direct air routes to Philadelphia between New York and Washington DC. We have so much to offer f. ex. Barnes Foundation with art worth 30 billion Dollars. “ Brian Said, Executive Director, Tourism Division and Ann Tok, Tourism Communications Manager, Philadelphia Convention & Visitor Bureau tried to convince Anders Ladefoged Mortensen , project manager , “Ferie for Alle,” Herning, to a visit.“We have many parents who take a trip to Orlando when they pick up their child home after a study in the United States,” Niels K. Frandsen, Manager /CEO Rejsespecialisten, My Education and Euro Study International, told Rukssana Timmis, Representative Travel Trade, VisitOrlando.
Las Vegas highest
Martin Schmidtsdorff from Caesar Hotels (right) together with from left Stine Ryslinge, Michelle Rieck og Karin Bräuner, all from American Express
Caesars Palace and connecting hotels like Bally, The Planet, Flamingo, Harrahs and so on has opened a new attraction in Las Vegas. It is a London-wheel that is even bigger that the original.
The High Roller as it is named is now the world´s highest experience.
There is 40 cabins and the wheel takes 30 minutes to make a whole trip.
Martin Schmidtsdorff from GSA Discover the World:
“There are really a lot of events around the wheel. We have possibility of arranging events and even weddings, where the couple says “I do” 550 feet above Las Vegas Strip.”
Sanibel the best
Hanna Johansson represents Lee County Visitor Bureau on behalf of GSA Related (right) together with Charlotte Rønnholt from Go Travelling.
The island Sanibel represents the best Florida tourism has to offer.
Strict low-impact ordinances have de-emphasized runway development and re-emphazied the immense natural beauty of these offshore fists of slow mangroves, sugary sand and teal waters.
Delightful Sanibel has the mainstream of facilities and accomodations for families and young lovers alike.
There is a Clinic for Rehabilitaion of Wildlife (CROW). It is not a zoo, but it gives you a taste of the work the clinic engages in. To get really involved consider attending an educational program or working with CROW as a volunteer.
Originally, Emirates planned to upgrade 120 aircrafts with new cabins. Now, this has been expanded to a total of 191 aircrafts.
Emirates is undertaking a...