With summer travel plans underway, you’ll probably find yourself staying at a hotel sometime soon. Hotel rooms get a lot of use, from a lot of different people. Do yourself a favor and pack some sanitizing wipes and then be prepared to clean up the dirtiest spots in the hotel room that the cleaning crew likely missed.
Estimates say that a cleaning crew has roughly 30 minutes to make a room sparkle in between guests. Needless to say, it’s not enough time to take care of everything, so a few things get overlooked.
Although germs can be found everywhere from bathroom to bedroom, the dirtiest spot in the hotel room is the remote control. Everyone reaches for the remote when they plan to kick back for the night and so the remote control sees a lot of germs. Wipe with a sanitizing cloth and channel surf away.
Of all the light switches in the hotel room, the one next to the bed is the dirtiest.
Comforters tend to get a lot of use between washings, so you might want to remove it from the bed. Or have nightmares thinking about all the people before you that slept under the comforter first.
Water glasses are usually cleaned with glass cleaner, a known toxin, not dish soap. So, avoid drinking from them unless they are disposable to avoid ingesting residual cleaner.
The cleanest spot? It may surprise you to learn that it’s the bathroom doorknob. Apparently not many people bother to close the door to the bathroom when traveling alone.
Still paranoid about germs? The Best Western hotel chain uses a UV light to disinfect hotel remotes and other common contaminated areas, like light switches and bathroom fixtures. And if you travel enough, you can bring along your own sanitizing supplies, like wipes and UV wands and even universal remote controls.