Denmark and Iceland safest countries

Planning a vacation? Please consider, among other things, your planned destination and the incidence of criminal activity, terrorism and disease in the local environment as well as the nature and type of accidents which tourists have previously sustained running the spectrum from wrongful death to slip, trips and falls. This is the fourth year that we have posted dangerous destination information collected from news articles and reported law cases.

The Safest Destinations

In D’Ambrosio, Peace Index Rates The Safest Destinations, it was noted that “Iceland, Denmark and Austria are the three safest countries in the world. That’s the finding of this year’s Global Peace Index (GPI) published annually by the Institute of Economic and Peace. The study rates 163 countries based on 23 factors, including violent crime, political terror, import/export of weapons, refugee influx and violent demonstrations. Rounding out the Top Ten peaceful destinations are New Zealand, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Canada, Japan and Slovenia”.